
November 20, 2019

Easing Menopause

Supporting Menopause Naturally Menopause is a natural process where a woman transitions from her childbearing years to the next stage of her life. At this time it’s important for women to examine their stress levels, review their current lifestyle choices, and establish healthy habits. Hormones are one part of the picture in menopause, but they aren’t the only contributor. Menopause has significant effects on a number of organ systems. Addressing all aspects of your body
Expectant mothers are often prone, more so than usual, to colds and flus, coughs and sore throats especially as the winter season progresses. Good rest, a healthy balanced diet and plenty of water is of course important for a quick recovery, however there are some other useful safe natural remedies that can help reduce the uncomfortable cold and flu symptoms whilst also helping your immune system to fight off viruses faster and more effectively. At
Winter can be a trying time both mentally and physically, the days are shorter, colder and darker and our bodies become susceptible to colds and flus. One way to avoid becoming run down and consequently sick is to slow down!  Winter hibernation is the ideal time of the year for our bodies to heal and rest.  Try to avoid rushing. Instead make a concerted effort to embrace a slower more relaxed pace during the cold winter months. 
No one will dispute the fact that the teen years can be a challenging time with the pressure of school work, sport, friends, family, part time jobs plus the pressure and constancy of social media.  This alone is enough to cause considerable stress however when teens are presented with a health concern or sports injury, additional strain is added to an already demanding time. The 2018 Stress in America survey of adults and teenagers found